We Are All Weird

we-are-all-weirdWe don’t like the advertising that’s not for us, not about us, not interesting to us. But talk to me, directly to me, about something relevant and personal, and I love you for it.

^^ Seth GodinI might need to make it a personal calendar appt to read a Godin book every six months. Poke the Box was great, this one's rad, too.

We Are All Weird by Seth Godin

The following are excerpts taken from Seth Godin's We Are All Weird. Bold, italics, and notes are mine. Everything else is Seth's.


Often, when we talk about helping poor communities, we’re actually working not to save a life but to offer more choices. That’s how we improve our well-being—by enabling choice.--

Three (new) forces for weird

  1. Explosion of wealth
  2. Explosion in media choices
  3. Explosion in shopping choices

That’s it. That’s enough.--The Web went a step further. Now there are a billion websites, along with asynchronous interactions like e-mail. But mobile is the weirdest of all. That’s because in addition to the silo of me (just me), I add time (I want it now or I want it never) and location (I want it here or I don’t want it).--Ronald Ingleheart and other researchers report that the ability to be weird, the freedom to make choices, and the ability to be heard are the factors most highly correlated with happiness around the world.--If you’ve made it to the end of this manifesto and come to the conclusion that you need to spend more time going after niche markets, I fear we have both failed.--Cindy Gallop’s favorite quote is,

“Everyone hates advertising in general, but we love advertising in particular.”

--The challenge of your future is to do productive and useful work for and by and with the tribe that cares about you. To find and assemble the tribe, to earn their trust, to take them where they want and need to go.--You can buy the book here.we-are-all-weird


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